Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Doors open at 6:30 PM , Exhibit open 6:30 -7:30 PM
Program: 7:30 - 8:30 PM
General Admission: $28 , Frazier Members: $22 Immerse yourself in the pride of the Commonwealth with this exclusive Bourbon, and craft beer event celebrating Kentucky’s booming beverage industry. Lux Row Distillers Head Distiller John Rempe will introduce guests to brands new to the Kentucky Bourbon Trail®, but steeped in amazing Kentucky Bourbon History. Steve Beam will talk about growing up with that iconic Beam name, and how he ended up making outstanding Bourbon at Limestone Branch Distillery. Then, before our bottle signings, Gravely Brewing’s Cory Buenning will introduce the crowd to some of the freshest and most imaginative beer you can find anywhere. Toss in small-bites and Art Eatables small batch bourbon truffles and this is can’t miss Wednesday night!
Masters Series
- date
February 20, 2019
- time
7:30 PM - 8:30 PM (ET)
- cost
$22 – $28
- Event Category
Class or Workshop, Partner Event
- Venue West Main Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202 United States - Contact(502) 753-5663
- Website